I just realized she's smoking while pregnant. Oh no, think of the baby!
I just realized she's smoking while pregnant. Oh no, think of the baby!
*skylar white joke here*
The colors in this rocks! Love the expressions as well! rock on dude
WOAH! that silhouette tho
Haha, I'm glad you liked it! 🥰
I always have a blast drawing The Beast, something about just having to work on the silhouette makes the whole proccess so much more fun
What made you think about this concept?
I just thought the dynamic between the PPG and Team Sonic would be nice to see lol
Cuz I haven't really seen it yet
Are these concept poses for the game?
Yes. They're a bit exaggerated, but its references for the in-game animations.
This gives the meaning of cold hearted a new meaning
Yeah, because a cold heart is cold and hard like iron
Yea :D
Is this a sad song in response to Nene losing her stylus? I briefly looked at the song and it's about a girl who did a man dirty. Other than the common theme of loss, I'm not quite sure what this comment has to do with this, but I appreciate the sentiment :')
Are those black masks or shadows cover the upper face?
shadows lol
Yoo is darnell a bear or an otter?
bear! :)
Goku for president?
man would dip for all 4 years to train till last minute lolol
I am Pro-good and anti-bad
20 years old
Epic gamer
Yo mama jokes academy
Area 69
Joined on 8/7/20