I just realized she's smoking while pregnant. Oh no, think of the baby!
I just realized she's smoking while pregnant. Oh no, think of the baby!
*skylar white joke here*
Guys which one is your favorite? stoner huggy wuggy, crack head stinger flynn.
in all seriousness this is pretty cool, love the eccentric colors
The calm before the storm
poor jack, hope it gets better for him. Great art! love the rendering of it
This is cute as shit! great animation overall
I've seen this image from Reddit and all i gotta say is damn. This magnificently captures the sense of emptiness of a passion once intensely loved. This is specially showcased by their bored and hollow faces whilst preparing for a recording session, what made them this way? They're the milkcan for christ sake, what left them so utterly defeated from music? The same thing that brought them together in the first place. Is it cooperate greed? is it the changing times? or is it interpersonal? It could be all of the above but we aren't given context, it is left for the viewer to decide.
ngl i would have this as a poster just to remind me that it is possible for fun hobbies of mine to die out cuz of personal changes within. This invokes a sense of dread in me since I have hobbies i think will stay till the end of times and this is a reminder.
5 stars i loved it
Lovely expressions, wheatly is my favorite moron
foreign, weak and with very female moves
ma-san lobster supremacy helllll yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The colors in this rocks! Love the expressions as well! rock on dude
I am Pro-good and anti-bad
20 years old
Epic gamer
Yo mama jokes academy
Area 69
Joined on 8/7/20